Sunday, December 6, 2015

"Holidays Are Here" with a WREATH On Your Plate!!!

You know holiday season is here when you start seeing Christmas Wreaths on house doors. I truly love and am inspired by the roundness of the wreath. So, I made a raw and organic veggie wreath on a plate! Eat with your favorite dressing.  Wishing you and your loved ones a round, heartful and healthy holiday season!!!

Purple romaine lettuce
Almond butter (For "clay" to stick the veggies together. Easy to make. Just put a cupful of any nuts in a food processor for 10-15 minutes!)
Cauliflower pegs 
Broccoli pegs (Can also use small pieces of kale)
Red pepper dice


First, cut and place the purple romaine lettuce on a round plate.
(The purple will add a nice shade to the evergreen kale later on.)
Then, place cucumber chips on top. 
(Use a round glass jar in the middle to make sure the wreath will stay round.)
Add an almond butter "clay" on top of cucumber chips.

 Cut the Kale into small "fans"
and stick them on the Almond butter "clay" like a bowtie / butterfly.

It's going to look like this.

Now, it's time to plant the cauliflower pegs!
(Plant them crossing the kale butterfly / bowtie.)

It's going to look like this.

Add red pepper pegs and broccoli pegs 
to fill the empty spots.

Add a red pepper ribbon to make it look authentic!

Pick it up and eat it with your favorite dressing! 

Happy Holidays!!