Sunday, December 28, 2014

Raw Cashew Tofu

Raw Cashew Tofu

I had just a cupful of cashew left, so decided to make a "Cashew Tofu!"  The way you make is similar to "Goma Tofu."  (See my previous post:

I made a round one this time. :)


Raw cashews --- 1.5 cup
Kudzu root powder --- 1/2 cup
Distilled water --- 2.5 cups
Sea salt --- a sprinkle
Toppings --- ginger, cucumber
Sauce --- ginger kudzu soy sauce


1. Soak the cashews in distilled water for a day.

2. Drain water.

3. Blend cashews with 2.5 cup water.

4. Strain blended cashew water.

5. Get as much 'clear and strained cashew water' as possible. (You can use a 'strainer cloth' for better result)

6. Pour the "cashew water" and kudzu powder in the saucer pan. First, dissolve the kudzu. Then, heat the content in low-medium heat. Keep mixing till thickened.

7. Pour the content into a container of any shape you like. (I used a half moon cooking mold) Cover it with a plastic wrap and refrigerate for a few hours or longer (till hardened)

8. Serve chilled with ginger-cucumber garnishing with ginger-soy sauce!

Don't throw away the "cashew pulp!" 

You can use it in smoothies, salads and cooked meals!

I made a salad!
(banana, avocado, apple and cashew pulp salad with strawberry cashew dressing!)

Enjoy deliciously healthy living! :)

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