Wednesday, March 30, 2016

"Deviled Avocado" in a Cucumber Cup

"Deviled Avocado" is the raw vegan alternative to "Deviled Eggs"... in a cucumber cup!!


1-2 Avocado
1 Cucumber


Sea Salt, Black Pepper, Paprika and balsamic vinegar (optional)


1. Mash 1-2 avocado and season it with sea salt and black pepper.

2.  Peel a cucumber* (leave a little green for color) and cut it to small equal pieces.  Carve them to make "cups." Rub in a little sea salt onto the cucumber cups to bring out the flavor of a cucumber. You can also add a drip of balsamic vinegar into a cup. (*You can keep the cucumber pulp for juicing or veggie soup stock.)

3. Put the mashed avocado into the cups. Sprinkle diced celery pieces. Finish with a sprinkle of paprika!


Thursday, March 24, 2016

Healthy-Happy EASTER EGGS!!!!

Healthy-Happy Easter Eggs!!!!

Eggs: Blend cashew, bit of coconut oil and honey in food processor until moldable. Use cacao, acai, green tea and coconut powders for colors.

Nest: Dip organic pretzels in dark chocolate with sea salt.

(p.s.) Ate the bunny I made before the shoot. ;)

Creation on March 31, 2013

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Cherry Tomato Mini-Skewers

Here's an easy appetizer recipe for parties - Cherry Tomato Mini-Skewers!

You Need:

1 Box of Cherry Tomatoes
2 Golden Beets (Steamed)

For dressing:

Grated Ginger, Lemon Juice and  Fresh Basil (I used dry basil in this one. Fresh is much preferred)


Get a cap like this that fits the size of a cherry tomato when cut in half. You will need the golden beet (or anything you want to sandwich with the cherry tomato) to fit this shape.

Just like the picture here.

Put together with a toothpick.

Serve with any dressing you like. In this, I used grated ginger, basil and lemon juice. Enjoy & Have fun! :)

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Homemade Herbal Cough Drops

This recipe would require some time to make, so hopefully, you are doing this before you get too sick to make.  

Herbal Cough Drop - I call it "Maricola!" :D


1cup buckwheat honey
Ginger root juice (strain the grated ginger)
Lemon juice
Drops of black elderberry extract (Do not use during pregnancy or Lactation)
Drops of slippery elm extract (Do not use during pregnancy or lactation)
2 Tea bags of Echinacea Plus (brand: Traditional Medicinal) --- Boost immune system
2 Tea bags of Camomile Tea (same brand)


First, boil the tea bags of Echinacea and Camomile until the hot water is really dark (and smells like Ricola!) You just need maybe 20 drops from this "extract." You can drink the rest as tea. You can actually just use the tea bags that are made to cure cold/flu.

Then, mix all ingredients in a saucepan and heat it up until it gets foamy and really dark. Drop a bit amount in an icy water to see if it gets really hard. Pour it in a hard candy mold and pop them out when hardened. Use kudzu powder on the candies so that they don't stick together (note: wait till the candies cool off). I also put extra kudzu powder in the jar to make sure.

All of the ingredients are good to fight cold/flu. DO NOT USE Elderberry and Slippery Elm if you are pregnant or lactating!!

Made a couple of candies to go by wrapping them up with parchment paper.

Homemade Natural Cough Syrup (Easy recipe!)

Here's an easy recipe for Natural Cough Syrup:

So easy! You could make this even when you're sick!

Just mix ginger root juice (strained from grated ginger root) and raw honey (buckwheat honey works best). Portion is half and half. You could also add lemon juice.

Rest well. Feel better! <3