Sunday, July 24, 2016

"Chilled" Spicy-Miso Cucumber Noodle (Easy-Breezy version)

Happy Summer, everyone!

Here's one "chilled" and "easy-breezy" dish to cool off from the hot and humid weather.

"Chilled" Spicy-Miso Cucumber Noodle


Cucumber, cherry tomatoes and white sesame seeds.


Natty-Miso (any miso would do), cayenne pepper, garlic, ginger and cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil.

Serve chilled!  Enjoy summer! <3

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Have a Berry Happy Fourth!

Here's wishing you a "Berry Happy Fourth!" <3 <3 <3

This year, I made a super-easy dish. Good for parties. I had this "easy recipe" idea, because I was going to travel to celebrate the Fourth with my close friends, and I needed something that wouldn't require much preparation or equipments. (Traveling 'light' was the idea!)  There was a change of plan, so I ended up not traveling, but why not make it anyway, right? :)


Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and a 'special appearance' by cauliflowers! 

(You can replace cauliflowers with any 'white' food like coconuts!)


You need a rectangular container (for flag shape). Place the whole package blueberries.

You basically place the ingredients in the pattern of the flag, but for strawberries, give an extra  'height.' (See above picture.)

Here you go! Super Easy and Healthy "Fourth of July" recipe!  

Have a Berry Happy Fourth!  <3 <3 <3