Monday, December 5, 2016

Oh So Green Melon Salad

Since I started my "green diet" five years ago, I think I developed a "green heart" for anything green! So, sometimes, I'm overjoyed to express my love fore green by using just green-colored food. 😄

Here's my "Oh So Green Melon Salad!" 

Super Breezy-Easy to make! Just mix the ingredients below ↓


Melon (Thinly-Sliced), Arugula and Pistachio (Crushed) 


Matcha Powder, Grape Seed Oil and Balsamic Vinegar (or Apple Cider Vinegar for brighter green color)

Melon's sweetness takes away the bitterness of arugula. Matcha's calming scent adds to the arugula's own. You can use olive oil, but its strong scent can crash with the others. So, I used grape seed oil instead. 

It's a subtle presentation of greenness. It's FUN! Have a wonderful day, and fun with food, too!😊

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