Sunday, December 28, 2014

Raw Cashew Tofu

Raw Cashew Tofu

I had just a cupful of cashew left, so decided to make a "Cashew Tofu!"  The way you make is similar to "Goma Tofu."  (See my previous post:

I made a round one this time. :)


Raw cashews --- 1.5 cup
Kudzu root powder --- 1/2 cup
Distilled water --- 2.5 cups
Sea salt --- a sprinkle
Toppings --- ginger, cucumber
Sauce --- ginger kudzu soy sauce


1. Soak the cashews in distilled water for a day.

2. Drain water.

3. Blend cashews with 2.5 cup water.

4. Strain blended cashew water.

5. Get as much 'clear and strained cashew water' as possible. (You can use a 'strainer cloth' for better result)

6. Pour the "cashew water" and kudzu powder in the saucer pan. First, dissolve the kudzu. Then, heat the content in low-medium heat. Keep mixing till thickened.

7. Pour the content into a container of any shape you like. (I used a half moon cooking mold) Cover it with a plastic wrap and refrigerate for a few hours or longer (till hardened)

8. Serve chilled with ginger-cucumber garnishing with ginger-soy sauce!

Don't throw away the "cashew pulp!" 

You can use it in smoothies, salads and cooked meals!

I made a salad!
(banana, avocado, apple and cashew pulp salad with strawberry cashew dressing!)

Enjoy deliciously healthy living! :)

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Oh Christmas Tree, OH, CHRISTMAS TREEEEE!!!! (Raw Vegetable Christmas Tree)

Oh Christmas Tree, OH CHRISTMAS TREEEEE!!!! (Raw Vegetable Christmas Tree)

Since I LOVE Christmas Trees so much, I sometimes make Christmas Trees with food! Edible Christmas Trees are better, right? :)

This year, I made one with Broccoli !!!

You need:

2 broccoli stalks
red, yellow (and orange) bell peppers
1/2 carrot
coconut flakes
double-sided toothpicks

How to:

1) Place larger-size broccolis on a plate as "Tree Base" using toothpicks

2) Stick toothpicks like the pictures here and start building broccoli blocks

3) As the Tree comes toward the top, cut the stems short like the picture below 

4) Let's place Christmas Ornaments (Cubed red/orange peppers) on the tree! 

5) Put a BRIGHT YELLOW PEPPER STAR on the Christmas Tree!!!

6) Carefully place the shredded carrot tinsels on the tree, and sprinkle the shredded coconut flakes to add 'snow effect.'  (If you want more showed tree effect, you could use a melted coconut oil over the tree so the tinsels and snow could stick well on it)

"Merry Christmas!"

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Apple Cider Vinegar Toner & Fresh Basil Toner!!

Apple cider vinegar toner & Basil toner!

Known for acne-fighting, anti-aging.  Just dilute the apple cider vinegar (I use Bragg's) with water (I use distilled water). At any ratio you'd like. With basil toner, I grind the fresh basil leaves and add water. I use the strainer for clarity for both both toners. I use apple cider vinegar toner in the morning, and basil toner at night.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Homemade Natural Hand Sanitizer

Cold Season is here. Both weather and flu. It's time to be extra cautious about keeping ourselves from germs!



What you need:
(The amount depends on the container you'd be using to store the hand sanitizer. The key ingredient is Tee Tree Oil.)

For example,

Tee Tree Oil --- 30 drops
- Aloe Vera Gel 
- Witch Hazel 
(You can determine the amount of Aloe and Witch Hazel by what container you'd be using. I wanted my ingredients to be gello-y so it's easy to grab. But, for a bottle container, I'd make the ingredients more liquid-y.)
- Essential Oil (I used grapefruit essential oil. Commonly used is lavender)

How to:
Mix the ingredients!


Monday, October 27, 2014

"BLOODY MOON" - Raw and Healthy but Gross Halloween Dessert Recipe

In the spirit of Halloween, I decided to make "Raw and Healthy but Gross Halloween" Dish. Here is the recipe!

I tried to make a dessert dish, inspired by early October's "Blood Moon" event. Since the ordered silicone half-moon mold didn't arrive in time for making the dish, I struggled to make it work with the ingredients. First one didn't come out right, BUT it came out perfectly gross! So, I took a picture below:

Looks like "stuff" came out of a brain!  Ew!

The second time, I used a "chawan" bowl, and it came out in perfect shape!  Here it is!

"Bloody Moon" inspired by "Blood Moon" event


1/2 cup White sesame seeds 
1/2 cup Arrow root powder
1 Frozen banana


Coconut oil
Sliced almonds (for nails)


1. First, MOON! Make "Goma Tofu" using white sesame seeds and arrow root powder (See:

2. Blend the frozen banana to make "frozen banana ice cream" (See:

3. Mix the above with blended raspberries (for color) and freeze till hardened (Note: Save some blended raspberries for BLOOD to paint the fingers and for decoration)

4. Blend Blueberries also. Juice the beets (Both for BLOOD paint).  Keep the "foams" from juicing the beets (for gushy gut decoration)

5. Blend / food process the nuts and mold them with coconut oil into fingers. I mixed cashews, walnuts and pecans to give different shades to a little "decomposed" fingers. (I recently played a "dead body" in a feature film, and watched and learned how a Hollywood makeup artist turn me into a dead person!)

6. I bent one of the fingers for a little variety. Made creases for the joint areas, and added a slice of almond on each finger. 

7. Now the fun part! Paint the fingers and splash the BLOOD all over! Add the "foam" to the fingers...Ewwwwww!!!!!

...... Although it's all healthy ingredients, I must confess that it wasn't appetizing to eat this at all. It tasted good, though. 

Have A Happy Fun Halloweeeeeen!!!!!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Raw Apple Pie!

It's APPLE SEASON~~~!!!   How about some Raw Apple Pie? ;)


A dozen apples
Nuts (I used walnuts and pecan)
Cinnamon powder
(Optional: coconut whipped cream... YUM!!!)


1. Make the pie crust --- Blend (or  with food-processor) the nuts and dates, and stick to the bottom of the pie container. (I put coconut oil on the container first.)

2. Slice apples

3. Blend some of the apples to make apple sauce. Sprinkle cinnamon in this.

4. Layer the sliced apples and apple sauce on the pie crust (See below photo of a pie slice). Done! (Optional: Add coconut whipped cream!)

After a day in the fridge, the apples get browned and looks like it's baked...haha!

Enjoy this gorgeous fall season and the season's harvest! :))

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Spice-pepper-honey-glazed Goma Tofu in a cucumber cup!

Spice-pepper-honey-glazed Goma Tofu in a cucumber cup!

Goma Tofu
Thyme (optional as a decorative topping)

Peanut pieces (optional as a topping or bed for Goma Tofu; gives crunchy-deliciousness!)

Cayenne pepper, black pepper and honey

1. Cut the cucumbers and carve out the inside to make a cup
2. Place the Goma Tofu (already cut to fit inside the cup)
3. Put grated ginger and thyme on top
4. Pour the sauce (Sprinkle peanut pieces to give crunchy-deliciousness!)


Sunday, September 28, 2014

Fruit Basket ... literally! (Orange Fruit Basket)

Fruit Basket ... literally! (Orange Fruit Basket)

What you need:
Oranges as many as you want to prepare for (# of guests)
Assorted fruits (anything you want)
Tiny salad leaves optional

How to:
1. Slice off the head of the orange thinly. This side will be the "base" of the basket.
2. Make basket handle part by cutting into the orange and removing the loose parts.
3. Carve off inside the basket (orange meat) to make a "bed" for the assorted little fruits.
4. Serve and enjoy!

It's visually entertaining and a small portion, so both adults and kids, who don't like fruits, would eat them!  :)

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Fresh Basil Acne Cleanser (Anti-Aging) !!!

Fresh Basil Acne Cleanser (Anti-Aging) !!!

What you need:
Fresh Basil 

Grind the fresh basil leaves. Basil produces its own natural oil, but you can add a bit of water, too. Put on your face! 

Benefits of Fresh Basil:
Anti-inflammatory, anti-septic, ANTI-AGING!!! (Get that, mature women?)

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Cabbage "Asazuke" ("lightly/quickly pickled" in Japanese)!

This one is a Super-Easy recipe!

What you need: 
Cabbage, sea salt and cayenne pepper

How to:
Slice cabbage thinly, add salt and cayenne pepper and mix. Squeeze the cabbage really hard and let it sit for 30 min. to an hour in room temperature. (Important for fermentation)   Store in refrigerator.

Benefits of fermentation:
Improve intestinal health (Probiotics)
Improve immune system
Helps digestion and detoxification

Organic cabbage:
High in natural bacteria and is popularly used for fermentation. (Caution: If you have a thyroid problem, avoid consuming large amount.)

Cayenne pepper:
Relieve joint and muscle pain; good for heart.

Monday, September 22, 2014

I Have Dessert for Breakfast - "Banana Ice Cream Floats" (クリームソーダ) !!!

I have DESSERT for BREAKFAST - "Banana Ice Cream Floats" (クリームソーダ) !!! 

(Inspired by a popular Japanese soft drink at cafes and restaurants)

Ice cream: Frozen Banana!

Soda: Kombucha, Kale, Coconut Juice 

...and a sprinkle of walnut pieces! Yum!

I Have Desserts Before Meal - Ginger Ice Cream!!

I Have Desserts Before Meal - Ginger Ice Cream!!

GINGER, frozen banana, drops of coconut juice (to 'intensify' the sweetness!) and walnut pieces

Blend the ginger, frozen banana and a couple of drops of coconut juice. Add walnut pieces to it. Mix, scoop and serve!

I had THREE scoops, with a cup of hot GINGER green tea w/ honey and lemon.

Desserts first, always

Apple Cucumber Ginger Juice!

Apple Cucumber Ginger Juice!

Just blend them and drink! You'd be surprised how delicious it is! And super healthy, too! :)

Sunday, July 6, 2014

"Happy Fourth" Dessert!

"Happy Fourth" Dessert!

Almond, Walnuts, Pecans and Dates - Blended 

Middle layer:
Frozen banana - Blended

Top layer:
Whipped coconut milk

Blueberries and Strawberries

Raw "Vegetable (non-)Stir Fry"

Raw "Vegetable (non-)Stir Fry" 

Slices of carrot, daikon radish, broccoli, cabbage. Chopped daikon leaves. Minced ginger and garlic. White sesame seeds. 

(non-)Stir Fry Sauce:
Soy sauce, honey and filtered water

Black pepper, cayenne pepper and turmeric powder

Mix the above, stir and squeeze them!

(When you "squeeze" them, the veggies get soft as if they were "cooked" and you retain more nutrients "un-cooked!")

Raw "Creamy Cucumber Dressing!"

Raw "Creamy Cucumber Dressing!" 

Cucumber, dill, cashew, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, coconut flakes and distilled water.

Blend the ingredients.

I had this over my daikon radish & carrot spaghetti! YUM! 

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Raw 'Mitarashi Dango' (Raw version of the 'Traditional Japanese Sweets')

Raw 'Mitarashi Dango!' 

(Warning: Potently Sweet! / More like... 'みたら死ぬ団子!' )

1 cup of cashew nuts
1 dinner spoonful of coconut oil (I used it for a flavor, and also couldn't wait for cashew's natural oil to form)
Honey (I used buckwheat honey for darker color, but it doesn't matter)
Soy sauce (Important ingredient to get the same taste as the real 'Mitarashi' sauce)

Blend the nuts with coconut oil. Make round balls and stick them to the mini-skewers. Pour the honey/soy sauce (You might want to do this before placing the Dango on the plate to even out the sauce on the Dango.) Voila!

If you want 'less sweet,' use more soy sauce than honey. I'm thinking, next time, I would use Kudzu powder and heat up the sauce before putting it on the Dango.

Raw 'Ohagi' balls and 'Dango' sticks (Raw version of the 'Traditional Japanese Sweets')

Raw 'Ohagi' balls and 'Dango' sticks! 

My cousin sent me a pic of 'Ohagi (Japanese traditional sweets)' which inspired me to make my "Raw Ohagi Balls & Dango Sticks!"

1 cup of Walnuts
6-7 pitted dates
Green tea powder, coconut flakes, cacao powder

Direction: Blend the walnuts and dates. Make balls. Roll the balls in green tea powder, coconut flakes or cacao powder. Stick the little balls in a mini-skewer. Voila!

Raw 'Cream of Broccoli' Soup

Raw 'Cream of Broccoli' Soup

Broccoli, Zucchini (celery/cucumber has more water), Dill, Almond Milk, Walnut pieces and Coconut flakes (adds sweet flavor). You can also add a little bit lemon juice.

Just blend all the ingredients and serve! Yum 

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Goma Dofu (Tofu)

I LOVE "Shojin Ryori (Buddhist monks' cuisine - vegetarian or vegan)!" Enjoyed grinding sesame seeds for two hours - SOoOo ZEN!

2.5 Oz. White sesame seeds
2 Oz. Kuzu powder
2 Cups of distilled water

1. Lightly toast the sesame seeds in a dry pan.
2. Grind the toasted sesame seeds for two hours until it becomes a smooth paste.
3. Add a little water to make a kuzu powder paste.
4. Mix sesame seed paste and kuzu paste, and add the rest of water.
5. Heat it up medium (a little on a low side on gas stove) heat in a saucepan, and continue to stir with a whisk for 15-20 minutes until the liquid becomes paste. (Like a pudding)
6. Pour in a square container. ( Any shape is fine. You're going to cut the tofu anyway)
7. Let it cool. Then refrigerate for two hours. (Flatten the top surface and Cover the tofu with a plastic wrap directly on it)
8. Flip the container and take the tofu out, cut into square pieces and serve with grated ginger and soy sauce. "Wasabi" is more commonly used for goma dofu, so next time I'll try.

This process is like a meditation. Highly recommended!

Cantaloupe Punch - Sometimes, I drink out of it! ;p

Need: 1/2 of cantaloupe and the other 1/2 is Hibiscus Kombucha (GT's brand)

Juicing cantaloupe is better, but I used the blender and used the strainer. (Ate the pulp, of course!) Then, m...ix it with Hibiscus Kombucha (red/pink color just like fruit punch). Pour the content into the cantaloupe bowl. Put a glass straw and drink out of it! YUM!

Cantaloupe is a great source of Vitamin A and full of antioxidant. Kombucha helps with digestive system. Great way to start a day! I feel energized!

Banana Dog!

Banana Dog!    A healthy alternative to a hot dog.

Made of 1 banana and almond butter