Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Veggie-ful Buddha Bowl with Turmeric-Ginger-Miso Dressing & Super GreenJuice

Lots of variety of veggies and proteins in my Buddha Bowl today 🥣 w. anti inflammatory Turmeric-Miso-Ginger Dressing & Super Green Juice. 今日のブッダボールは、色んな種類の野菜とタンパク質もバランス良く取り入れました。ドレッシングは消炎効果のターメリック生姜味噌風味。スーパーグリーンジュースと一緒に。😋

Buddha Bowl:
Steamed veggies(spinach, broccoli, celery, red raddish, carrots).
Fresh veggies(pea shoots, broccoli sprouts, parsley, cucumber).
Diced Avocado.
1/4 cup Cooked red quinoa.
Sliced almonds.
Hemp seeds(mainly sprinkled over spinach “ohitashi”).
Turmeric Miso Ginger Dressing(1-2 Servings):
1.5 tbsp Chickpea Miso.
Grated Turmeric Root(I used about the size of my thumb).
Ginger (same size as turmeric).
1 Pinch of black pepper.
1/4 cup grape seed oil.
1/4 cup white wine vinegar (I also added 1 small piece of grated apple. A touch of sweetness blended the, otherwise, a bit dissonant ingredients better. You can also use honey as a likely substitute. Or you can use more Chickpea Miso, but I tried to cut down on sodium 🧂 intake). 林檎の甘味が癖のあるターメリックや諸々を緩和させてます。蜂蜜でも良いと思います。若しくは、チコピー味噌の分量を増やすのも案ですが、今回は塩分控えめにしました.
Super Green Juice:
Kale, spinach, broccoli, red raddish, parsnip, endive, cucumber, apple, red grapes.

#salad #buddhabowl #warmsalad #saladdressing #misoginger #turmeric #juicing #greenjuice #detox #plantbased #eatclean #antiinflammatory #antiinflammatorysaladdressing #healthy #サラダ #ビーガン #ローフード #グリーンジュース #腸活 #guthealth #digestivehealth #消化にいい  #体質改善 #生姜味噌 #ドレッシング #ブッダボール #foodphotography 

Monday, January 28, 2019

Today’s Starter Juice - Beet+Carrot+Apple

Today’s Starter - Beet Carrot Apple Juice☀️🤗☀️ 今日一日の始まりは、ビーツ 人参 林檎ジュースでした!👍

Ate the garnished kale, of course! 😊 お飾りのケールは勿論食べました!

#rawfood #vegan #cleaneating #whatvegansdrink #自然療法 #オーガニック #organic #wholefoods #rawvegan #raw #juicing #beet #detox #guthealth #digestivehealth #healthy #ビーガン #ローフード #デトックス #快腸 #腸活 #健康 #消化にいい #bonehealth #骨にいい #healing #healingdiet

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Sprouted Red Bean Hummus

[Sprouted Red Bean Hummus with Veggie Sticks](出芽赤豆フムス野菜スティック)

My lunch 🍴 Always try to eat fresh veggies even a small portion for at least one meal, because they make me feel clear-headed and energized. I’ve also been sprouting various beans, since I get snowed in without much else to do. Red (kidney) beans, however, are not recommended to eat raw, so I boiled them for 15 minutes before blending them.
For hummus, I used 1 cup soaked (with Himalayan salt)/sprouted/bouled(15 min) red kidney beans, 2 cloves garlic, 3/4 cup distilled water, 1 tsp ground cumin, 1 tsp sea salt, 1fresh lime juice, 1fresh lemon juice, 1 tsp minced onions. 
Veggie sticks are: broccoli, endive, parsley, parsnip, carrot sticks.

#salad #veggiesticks #hummus #redbean #redbeanhummus #kidneybeans #rawfood #vegan #rawvegan #whatveganseat #eatclean #plantbased #plantpower #organic #wholefoods #ビーガン #ローフード #ロービーガン #自然療法 #オーガニック #野菜スティック #野菜 #出芽 #sprouting #赤豆フムス #赤豆 #フムス 

Friday, January 25, 2019

Organic Banana Bedtime Tea

[Organic Banana 🍌 Bedtime Tea](オーガニック バナナ ティーでぐっすり睡眠 💤).

I like drinking fruit teas, but haven’t tried 🍌 till just recently. 🍌 contains magnesium and potassium which are muscle relaxants, help with hormone balance, stress support, etc... So, it’s a good bedtime tea, if you are having trouble sleeping or in pain. Of course, it has to be ORGANIC 🍌. You don’t want to drink pesticide. Side Effects can be observed, such as nausea, vomiting, upset stomach or hyperkalemia (too much potassium), if you drink too much. So, don’t overdo it.(I find Dr. Mercola’s article helpful).
It seems there are two ways to brew: using just a peel (dried or freezes) or with a whole banana with ends cut off ( as seen in the photo). Either way, you boil 🍌 for about 10 minutes. Adding cinnamon is a good idea, as it also has Make sure it’s Ceylon Cinnamon, though. That’s the real cinnamon that has great health benefits. I tried a whole 🍌 and used the actual banana for a smoothie next morning. .
The result of the 🍌 tea? — I slept 🛏 so well, waking up refreshed, too😃.
フルーツティーが好きなんですが、バナナ ティーはごく最近試しましたが、身体の疲れがほぐれ、ぐっすりねむれました。バナナの成分に含まれるマグネシウムとカリウムには筋肉をほぐす作用があり、ホルモンバランスやストレスサポートにもなるそうです。就寝前、特に痛みで眠れない時に飲むと良いです。オーガニック🍌でないと意味ないです。農薬入りティーは飲みたくないですよね。また、オーガニックでも、飲み過ぎはいけません。カリウムの取りすぎで、高カリウム血症、吐き気、嘔吐、腹痛などが副作用もありますので、決してバナナティーの飲み過ぎはしないように気をつけてくださいね。副作用に関してはDr. Mercolaの記事がとても参考になりました。
作り方は二通りあるようで、皮(ドライか冷凍)だけ使う場合か丸一本(写真の様に端は切り落とす)を約10分沸かします。シナモンやバニラエキス等を入れて風味を引き立てるのもグッドですが、シナモンはセイロン シナモンにしましょう。(本物のシナモンでないと健康上の利点がありません). .

#bananatea #banana #tea #bedtimetea #musclerelaxant #potassium #magnesium #sleepytime #sleepytimetea #painrelief #naturalremedy #ティー #おやすみ #ティータイム #バナナティー #バナナ #オーガニック #organic #自然療法 #health #健康 #whatvegansdrink #insomnia #不眠症

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Nice Cream Morning

Had a bowl of #nicecream with berries this morning. Easy on my #digestive system. 今朝は#ナイスクリーム  #消化 しやすいです。

2 frozen bananas, blackberries, blueberries and Spirulina. Can pour maple syrup to sweeten.

#smoothiebowl #rawfood #vegan #whatveganseat #raw #healthy #cleaneating #fruits #foodphotography #ローフード #ビーガン #スムージーボール #フルーツ #健康 #guthealth #腸活 #オーガニック #organic 

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Carrot Turmeric Juice

Carrot 🥕 Turmeric Juice (人参 ターメリック ジュース)

Juiced some carrots to alleviate my tired eyes. This time, I used carrots, apple, ginger, turmeric and black pepper, garnished with an orange slice. Carrots 🥕 are good source of beta-carotene, fiber, vitamin K, potassium and antioxidants, and are a weight loss friendly food and have been linked to lower cholesterol levels and improved eye health. Turmeric, ginger and black pepper are a good anti inflammatory combo, too.

#carrotjuice #carrot #juicing #detox #eyehealth #antiinflammatory #raw #rawfood #vegan #nonalcoholic #mocktails #ビーガン #ローフード #モックテール #ノンアルコール #人参 #人参ジュース #デトックス #healthy #健康 #目の健康 

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Green Salad, Sprouted Almonds with Coconut Yogurt Dressing

It’s 23℉(-5℃)❄️, a little warmer than yesterday, but is still pretty icy 🥶. I had salad 🥗 sprouted almonds with coconut 🥥 yogurt dressing for lunch, keeping a heat pad on my shoulder. 昨日よりは気温が上がりましたが、地面は硬〜い氷の世界、ツルっと滑らずには歩けません。ランチは出芽させたアーモンド(酵素をアクティブに)を含む、グリーンサラダ🥗、ココナッツヨーグルト🥥ドレッシングをかけて食べました。肩もヒートパッドであったかく。☺️
Salad 🥗:
Broccoli, kale, cucumber, pea shoots, red raddish and blended sprouted (activate enzyme) almonds-n-blackberries.
Coconut Yogurt Dressing 🥥(1 small serving):
2 tbsp coconut yogurt.
1 tbsp grape seed oil.
2 squeezed lime wedges.
Sprinkles of sea salt, pepper and garlic.
#cleaneating #plantbased #rawfood #vegetables #salad #coconutyogurt #saladdressing #whatveganseat #vegan #rawvegan #winter #snowday #サラダ #ドレッシング #ココナッツヨーグルト #ビーガン #ローフード #sprouting #出芽 #酵素 #enzymes #健康 #healthy 

Monday, January 21, 2019

Zesty Beet Hummus

[Zesty Beet Hummus](ピリッとオレンジ風味のビーツ フムス).

For recipe, I referenced one from Minimalist Baker, however I did not have the exact ingredients, so mine came out as follows, though using a bit of orange 🍊 zest was a hit! My housemate said it was the best hummus he’s ever had! I also came across a post which says beets are good for #bonehealth so I just munched away like a rabbit 🐰 ❣️.
1 roasted beet (If you wrap it in a foil, you can keep more juice).
1 cup cooked chickpeas (I actually sprouted them: See photos 3-5).
1 lemon zest (I used orange zest).
1 lemon juice (I used lime).
1 large pinch salt and black pepper
2 minced cloves garlic (I used garlic powder).
2 heaping Tbsp tahini
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil.
Distilled water(Not in original recipe).


#hummus #beethummus #zesty #vegetables #beet #rawfood #vegan #rawvegan #whatveganseat #cleaneating #plantbased #magnesium #ビーツ #ビーツフムス #野菜 #サラダ #野菜スティック #salad #veggiesticks #ビーガン #ローフード #ロービーガン #マグネシウム #骨の強化 #健康 #healthyfood 

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Seedful Matcha Avocado-Banana Smoothie Bowl

Snow ⛄️ Sunday breakfast was Seedful Matcha Avocado -Banana Smoothie Bowl. 大雪の朝は盛りナッツ盛り沢山の抹茶アボカド バナナ スムージーボールでした。

Room temperature ingredients. 室温の食材で。
1 Avocado, 1 banana, 1/2 tsp matcha powder, crushed almonds, pistachios, walnuts, pecans, coconut flakes, blackberries, lemon wedge(to squeeze out the juice on the smoothie).

#smoothiebowls #smoothie #rawfood #vegan #whatveganseat #veganbreakfast #foodphotography #eatclean #plantbased #ローフード #ヘルシー #ビーガン #healthy #スムージー #スムージーボール #朝食 #アボカド #avocado #snowstorm #豪雪 

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Sunset Mocktail ... before the storm

Sunset 🌅 Mocktail ... before the storm. 吹雪がくる前に...サンセット モックテール。

Sun has set, and it is now snowing a little. もう既に暗くなり、雪が少し降ってきました。
Sunset Mocktail:
2 fresh squeezed orange juice, 1/2 fresh pomegranate juice, Crushed ice.

#mocktails #mocktail #tequilasunsetmocktail #nonalcoholic #rawvegan #rawfood #rawfooddrink #juicing #detox #vegan #whatvegansdrink #plantbased #fruit #fruitjuice #drinkclean #organic #sunset #healthydrink #healthy #モックテール #ノンアルコール #フルーツジュース🍹 #フルーツ #ヘルシードリンク #ヘルシー #ビーガン #ローフード #デトックス #サンセット #夕陽 

Friday, January 18, 2019

Creative Plating and Eating

Isn’t it fun  to be creative and eat healthy food at the same time?👍クリエイティブ&ヘルシー ダイエットは楽しいよね!👍.


#plating #pitaya #chefplateform #rawfood #vegan #whatveganseat #eatclean #plantbased #foodphotography #creativeeating #healingfoods #ピタヤ #dragonfruit #ドラゴンフルーツ #ローフード #ビーガン #ヘルシー #healthy 

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Green Salad+Blueberry Vinaigrette+Cucumber Mocktail = Mental Clarity Lunch

For lunch, I had green salad with blueberry vinaigrette and cucumbertini mocktail. Fresh salad 🥗 always improves my mental clarity. I’ve also learned that blueberries are also good for brain 🧠 fog. (Especially if you’ve had medical treatments and meds that cause the me). Cucumbers also  help fight endometrial cancer. .

Green Salad:
Baby Kale, baby spinach, shiitake mushroom, carrot, cucumber, arugula, mesclun leaves.
Blueberry vinaigrette dressing(different from previous post):
1/4 cup blueberry 
1/4 cup white wine vinegar
1/4 cup grape seed oil
2 tbsp honey
Cucumbertini Mocktail(different from previous post):
Cucumber, lime (add a drop of stevia if you’d like to sweeten it).
今日のランチは、頭をスッキリさせようと思って、新鮮なグリーンサラダ🥗にブルーベリービネグレット ドレッシングとキュウリのモックテールでした。ブルーベリーは特に思考力が鈍ってくるのを防ぐのに良いそうです。薬や治療などの副作用のせいでボーッとする時、新鮮なこのメニューで、シャッキっと!👍レシピは上記(英語)ですので、下の翻訳リンクをクリックしてください。

#rawfood #vegan #vegetarian #salad #greensalad #blueberryvinaigrette #blueberry #blueberrydressing #cucumber #cucumbertini #mocktails #endometrialcancer #brainfog #mentalclarity #eatclean #whatveganseat #plantbased #crueltyfree #healthy #ビーガン #ローフード #サラダ #野菜サラダ #ブルーベリー #ドレッシング #グリーンジュース #きゅうり #デトックス #子宮癌 #健康

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

[Lemon Balm “Sleepy Time” Tea](“不眠症“にレモン バーム茶).

This afternoon, I made a cup of tea with dried homegrown, organic lemon balm. The herb is used for insomnia, stress/anxiety, inflammation, pain, indigestion, cold sore, cancer, etc.. Dried herbs have stronger effects, so I am already sleepy. It’s a bedtime tea. It’s an herb, so you should also be careful not to overdo it.  Fyi, it has a sweet aroma and flavor, it’s a good aroma therapy while sipping it straight without a sweetener. 
I found “15 Amazing Health Benefits of Lemon Balm + Side Effects” on helpful.
午後のティータイムは、乾燥した自家製の有機レモンバームでお茶を一杯作りました。 このハーブは不眠症、ストレス/不安、炎症、痛み、消化不良、ヘルペス、ガンなどに使われます。乾燥ハーブはより強い効果があるので、すでに眠くなってきました。 就寝時のお茶ですね。 注意点は、ハーブなので、続けて飲みすぎないように気をつけてください。因みに、スイートな香りと味が、微かにあるので、糖類加えなくてもそのまま飲めます。

#teatime #afternoontea #herbaltea #herbtea #午後のティータイム #ティー #ティータイム #ハーブ #ハーブティー  #sleepytea #sleepytime #sleepytimetea #insomnia #pain #cancer #lemonbalm #lemonbalmtea #stress #stressrelief #anxiety #不眠症 #不眠症改善 #レモンバーム #レモンバームティー  #アロマセラピー #aromatherapy #ストレス解消 #健康 #ヘルシー #healthy 

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Green Juice (daily regimen)

It’s been a week-long waiting game for an MRI report on my upper right arm, but today I got it. The suspected tumor appears to be benign. Just waiting some more to get the feedback from my ortho doc. Hopefully he can explain to me with more easier terms. Meanwhile, I keep doing my part by following daily health regimen. 
Green Juice:
Black pepper

#greenjuice #juicing #detox #rawfood #vegan #rawvegan #whatvegansdrink #drinkclean #goodmorning #healthy #healthydrink #plantbased #ローフード #ビーガン #健康 #朝 #朝食 #デトックス #健康ドリンク #グリーンジュース #野菜 #野菜ジュース #vegetables #vegetablejuice 

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Raspberry Love Bites

[Raspberry Love Bites](ラズベリー ラブ バイツ).

Only TWO ingredients: raspberries and cashews! #veganketo version with Keto-approved fruit and vegan protein. (I might try blackberries and almonds next time as a good color combination and a lot more protein). 
To make 6 tiny love bites, I used 8 raspberries and 3/4 cup cashews. Let the cashews soaked for a couple of hours first and drain them. Strain the raspberries (Photo 3). Blend the cashews and raspberry juice. Pour and mold the content into small baking cups placed in a cupcake pans. Put it in a freezer until hardened. (I’d freeze it overnight for a next day snack.) (You can use the raspberry pulp in a smoothie.)
No sweetener added. Raspberry sweetness is enough for me. To sweeten, you can use a drop of liquid stevia (#keto) or honey /maple syrup, etc. 

#rawfood #vegan #veganketo #keto #ketovegan #rawvegan #lovebites #raspberry #raspberrylovebites #healthysnacks #healthydessert #healthy #whatveganseat #eatclean #nosugaradded #easydessert #sugarfree #ローフード #ロービーガン #ビーガン #ラズベリー #ラズベリーラブバイツ #ラブバイツ #デザート #ヘルシー #ヘルシースナッキング 

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Unsweetened Chocolate Drizzled Raw Almond-Turkish Fig Snack

Snacking on this. 今日のスナック😋.

Turkish figs, raw almonds, whipped coconut cream (mixed with red n blue superfood powders), melted 100% cacao unsweetened chocolate bark, pomegranate seeds. .
干しイチジク、ロー アーモンド、ホイップ ココナッツクリーム(赤青スーパーフード粉とミックス)、100%カカオ 糖分ゼロ チョコレートを溶かしたもの、ザクロ。.
You don’t need to add any kind of sweetners. Dried figs are sweet. 干しイチジクは甘いので、甘味料必要ないです。.
(Photo#2)You’d want to cut that tip of the stem off first. 茎の先っちょは切りましょう(写真2).

#food #foodphotography #turkishfigs #coconutcream #healthysnacks #rawfood #vegan #rawvegan #rawdessert #healthydessert #whatveganseat #plantbased #eatclean #ローフード #ロービーガン #ビーガン #ヘルシー #ヘルシーおやつ #おやつ #ヘルシーデザート #デザート #ココナッツクリーム #干しいちじく #糖質控えめ #nosugaradded #unsweetened

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Green Smoothie - Keep On Going

This morning’s Green Smoothie was made up of kale, spinach, cilantro, parsley, pea shoots, broccoli, red pepper, carrot, endives, cucumber, red grapes, banana, almond milk, vegan protein powder and coconut oil (leftover from a can of coconut cream). Almond milk and coconut oil separate the juice a little, but it’s I’d take health over appearance. 
Yesterday I had an MRI on my upper right arm & shoulder. I am on hold for further PT because I wasn’t making progress. (after 16 sessions; 3x a week) I really hope it’s nothing serious, but it would be good if we at least have a clear information of what’s going on with me. Meanwhile, worries aside, I keep doing what I can.

#greensmoothie #ローフード #rawfood #rawvegan #vegan #whatvegansdrink #healthy #healingdrink #healing #guthealth #digestivehealth #plantbased #eatclean #juicecleanse #ビーガン #スムージー #健康 #消化 #消化作用促進 #腸活 #快腸

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Herb-based Veggie-Chia Porridge

[Herb-based Veggie-Chia Porridge](ハーブ風味の野菜チアシード粥).

Inspired by a traditional Japanese dish “Nanakusagayu” which means “Seven Herb Rice Porridge.” On the seventh day of the New Year, we prepare this herbal breakfast meal, wishing for good health throughout the year.  
Traditional Ingredients “7 spring herbs” are:.
water dropwort
shepherd's purse
daikon radish.
In Japan, they sell these herbs conveniently packed in one. 

However, since I live overseas, 7 herbs are not readily available. So I just used whatever healthy herbs and veggies I had access to.
I also tried to make a Keto-conscious Porridge by using chia seeds instead of rice. The recipe is also anti-inflammatory and ALL ORGANIC.
I really wanted to make this and pray for good health this year.
So, here it is! My vegan-ketogenic “(More than 7) Herbal base Veggie-Chia Porridge.”.
::1 Small Serving::
Herbal Soup:.
1/4 cup dried lemon balm.
1 tbsp dried basil.
Pinch of dried dill.
Pinch of dried rosemary.
3 cups of distilled water.
1/2 tsp Himalayan salt.
2 pinches black pepper.
1 tsp turmeric.
1/2 tsp ginger
1 tsp minced onion.

Boil the above.

2 tbsp (24g) White chia seeds. (I grinded them for easier digestion and absorption.) 6g Protein/ 0 Net Carb / 0 Sugar/ 8g Fat/ 120 Cal.

2 endive leaves
3 shiitake mushrooms (I actually added the shiitake while making the soup. It adds nice flavor.)
Pea shoots
Believe it or not, it came out tasty and had a Japanese flavor to it.  It's a simple, herbal and healthy meal. May the health be with us all!